From 1932 to 2001, it was home to the Springfield Browns, Senators, Cardinals, Redbirds, Giants, Sultans, and Capitals. Also the Sallies of the All-American Girls League, as depicted in a good film, A League of Their Own (1992).
Two web sites present the history and ambience of Lanphier Park. One of the smaller minor league parks, it offers a good view from almost any angle. Box seats are $7 and bench seats $6. Hot dogs and peanuts are still a bargain, and the trains rolling by are free.

Major pros who played here included Satchel Paige, Robin Roberts, and Dick Schofield. Local teams in the Pony and American Legion leagues often played here as well.
Our 1958 SHS baseball team won the district championship here. Senior stars included Ron Wilson, Dick Hoke, John Dunn, Doug Proctor, and Jack Matlack; also the late Mark Evans and Bob Brunsman. Click on the pics to enlarge, and play ball!
Once again you've featured a place I remember fondly. My mother and I were great baseball fans who spent many happy hours in this ballpark; years ago Dave and I visited Springfield and we went to a minor league game here. The creaking of the stands, kids running in and out, the small homey atmosphere, the smell of hot dogs and popcorn, yelling at the umpire, now that's real baseball. I guess those things are why we love Wrigley Field and Fenway Park so much. Our favorite pasttime here in summer is going to Binghamton Mets (B-Mets) games where the big highlight is the old man who yodels "double play" all evening.
Hi Barbara,
Thanks for the nice memories. I could be just as nostalgic about the Lanphier football field that lay just to the west, where SHS played all its games every autumn. Remember those rainy, windy nights, when the Senators were down 10 points and all you wanted was hot coffee and a taffy apple?
I wonder if anyone knows why SHS did not have its own football and baseball fields in the late 1950s? We had an athletic field south of the campus, with its tiny brick fieldhouse and bleachers. The track served for meets, but baseball went elsewhere, and for basketball, we played in the State Armory.
Yes, remember well the SHS football games at Lanphier football park and semi-pro baseball at the ball park... neat that it is now named after Robin Roberts. I can remember his Dad worked at Sangamo Electric with my Dad and getting to go down to see him pitch at St. Louis in Phillies and Cards game. Good question about why did SHS never have it's own football, baesball and basketball venues? Lots of great city tourney and sectional games in that old Armory though, and the State champs year after we graduated. Great memories!!
Tom Downs
I didn't recall that Robin Roberts' dad and Tom Downs' dad worked at Sangamo. My father did too, and I worked there two summers during high school and then for a while after Browns Business College. That first job was typing spread sheets on ditto masters. I was purple all summer! I sure learned how to type numbers though.
Phyllis Rising and I lived down the street from the SHS practice field and we used to jump hurdles there on our way home from Hay-Edwards (Title IX came much too late for me). Poor Phyllis was short so she always had cinders in her knees from falling. I think the field and stands were just too small for football games, but the annual bonfire in the fall was fun.
Good memories.
Great that we all have similar "recalls"...think I spent most of my life at Lanphier Park and the Armory...4 years cheering for my brother and then our 4 years! Speaking as a public school person, I believe that was just the way school districts saVed money...Peoria, for example, played all their FB games, track meets, etc. at Peoria Stadium & I think Decatur had a similar set up. Indeed, GOOD MEMORIES! Janet B
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