Sunday, September 24, 2006

Reunion in Ventura

In August, Judy and Denny Wollan spent two weeks on the beach at Ventura, CA, where they had a surprise visit from Susan Ervin, Fred Hoffman, Charlie Adams, and Arnold (Sonny) Meyerstein.

Fred, Denny, Charlie, Sonny

Fresh from the Los Angeles wedding of Sonny's daughter, they staged a mini-reunion of the SHS classes of '58 and '59. (Fred, Denny, and Judy are '59)

Sue, Fred, Charlie, and Sonny grew up on or near Park Avenue, just south of Washington Park, and Charlie's house was a popular place to congregate in the Butler School years.

Thanks to Judy Brothers Wollan for the pictures and story. You all look great!

Denny, Sue

Judy, Sue

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