Friday, November 18, 2005

Dan Fernandes

Dan Fernandes leads an active retired life in La Verne, CA, keeping busy with politics, computers, hi-fi music, and (when time allows) tennis and biking. After earning degrees from Springfield JC and the U of Illinois, he worked at General Dynamics for 33 years as an aerospace engineer, mostly building missile defense systems.

In 1980, Dan joined a design team that built the world's fastest human-powered vehicle, "The Vector," featured on ABC-TV "That's Incredible" and also the cover of Scientific American. In the early 1990s, he earned teaching credentials in math and taught for two years at the secondary and college levels.

In recent years, Dan has been a member of the Libertarian Party and candidate for the California State Senate in his district. He stands for individual rights and free markets, and he invites friends and classmates to visit his web site and drop him a line.

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