Friday, July 29, 2005

New Home for News

Greetings, All. I am running the class news page out of a new site,, where it's easier to edit text and also include pictures. This page will be experimental until I get comfortable with the system.

Let's see how I do with adding a picture. Here's a nice watercolor of the entrance to SHS:

I just edited this picture a bit and now have added some text to see how it looks. If you think the type size is too small, your browser should have a way to increase type size.

This template is the second I have tried. Send me comments?

PS. If you'd like to become a contributor to the page, let me know. It's easy if you have the time!


Anonymous said...

It's easy to write a comment for friends to read. If you don't want to identify yourself, just click "Anonymous" below and then Login and Publish.

Will Howarth said...

In case you are wondering, I wrote the above comment. Now I'm making one with my own ID.

Anonymous said...

Again....MANY thanks for being the "point guy in the sky" for the Class of 58. I have become a very regular BLOG reader and think this is one great idea! Dankeshön, as they say in Deutschland!